Stage 3 - Amendments

This stage consists of 3 steps:

·        Material Alterations Public Consultation (including Any associated Environmental Reports). 

·        The preparation of a Chief Executive’s Report on the public consultation.

·        The making of decisions on the material alterations and the adoption of a final plan by the Elected Members

At a Special Council meeting in February 2024 the Elected Members of Donegal County Council agreed Proposed Material Alterations/Changes to the Draft County Donegal Development Plan 2024-2030.

The proposed changes include new and amended text, policies and objectives and zoning changes.  You can see the proposed changes and the associated revised Environmental Reports here. 

The Planning Authority has also carried out Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Appropriate Assessment (AA) and strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) of the Proposed changes.  You can read the associated revised Environmental Report, Natura Impact Report, and Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Report here

These Proposed Material Alterations/Changes and the abovementioned Environmental Reports were published for public consultation from Friday 8th March to Friday 5th April 2024. 

The Council would like to thank all those who made submissions on the Proposed Material Alterations/Changes during the public consultation.

The Council’s Executive is now preparing a Chief Executive’s report listing the persons/bodies who made submissions, and summarizing and giving the response of the Chief Executive to the issued raised. This report will be considered by the Elected Members before the plan is made.

A Special Council Meeting had been Scheduled for the 16th of May 2024 to allow the Elected Members to consider said report and make the Plan with or without any particular Proposed Material Alteration/Change or to modify same.

The Plan will come into effect 6 weeks after it is made except for any parts of the plan which may subsequently be subject to a Draft Ministerial Direction.