Stage 2 -Draft Plan

This stage consists of 3 steps:

  • Draft Plan Public Consultation (including the associated Environmental Reports)

  • The preparation of a Chief Executive’s Report on the public consultation.

  • The (likelihood of the) making of material alterations (changes) to the draft plan by the elected members.

The Council has prepared a Draft County Donegal Development Plan 2024-2030.  You can read the draft plan and associated environmental reports here.  You can see the statutory public notice here.

The Draft Plan was published for public consultation between the 4th of August and the 13th of October 2023.  The Council would like to thank all persons and bodies who made submissions. 

A Chief Executive’s Report has been published which; lists the person or bodies who made submissions, provides a summary of the submissions, and gives the response/recommendation of the Chief Executive to the issues raised.  You can see the report and the associated maps here.

The report will be considered by the Councillors prior to making any proposed Material Alterations on the Draft Plan.  Any proposed Material Alterations will also be published for public consultation.